Qualitative research

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Qualitative research is the process of evaluating a product or service for quality. The purpose of quality research is to ensure that products or services comply with specified quality standards. This research, includes activities such as gathering information, analyzing data and performing quality tests. The results of quality research are used to determine whether a product or service meets certain quality standards.


Qualitative research methods

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research is research that mainly focuses on a deeper analysis of a phenomenon, using special research techniques that allow a better and more accurate understanding of the phenomenon under study. They focus on facts, measurement of data, most often answer the questions of what how much, how strongly, how often, in what part. The purpose of qualitative research – is to find out what people think how they act in a certain way, what values, beliefs, patterns, thinking patterns are behind the judgments they express or manifest certain behaviors. This research is used to gain new information to better understand the aspect being analyzed. Researchers, conducting in-depth research, collect data, on the basis of which hypotheses are collected , then the data is analyzed. When undertaking qualitative research, the researcher should try to understand the studied organization and the prevailing behavior in it by learning about the people involved , their values, symbols, emotions, etc. They are based on a conversation with the respondents , which gives them ample opportunity to speak freely.

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Application of qualitative research

Qualitative research (market research) is a type of research aimed at obtaining information about products, services and entire markets. For this purpose, data is collected from consumers themselves and detailed survey techniques are used. Conducting in-depth research allows companies and organizations to understand consumer behavior, motivations and needs. These surveys use a variety of techniques, including in-depth interviews, focus groups and observations aimed at understanding consumer attitudes, opinions, needs and actions. Market research can be conducted to determine whether a product is able to meet market demands, and how it should be modified to be successful. Qualitative research is particularly useful for companies that want to understand their customers and better tailor their products to their needs. This research allows companies to study consumer reactions to products, changing trends and market needs. The research also allows researchers to determine how their products are perceived in the market and how they should be tailored to meet consumer needs.



Some of the greatest advantages of qualitative research are: deepening the knowledge gained, helping to better understand the workings of the issues being analyzed, safety, the positive influence of the moderator, effectively stimulating discussion, and obtaining objective information.

Qualitative research in Fieldstat

Fieldstat – our research company professionally deals with qualitative research of focus groups, individual interviews. Focus groups work well in any field of implementation where we need to penetrate deeper into the thoughts of consumers. We are experts in the implementation of qualitative research based on the technique of group, individual interviews. We offer you a live online preview of the FGI process so you are 100% sure of the highest quality of the collected material. Fieldstat specializes in qualitative research services. Our offer includes a wide range of research techniques, including group interviews, individual interviews, observation, narrative analysis and ethnographic research. Our goal is to provide clients with information and knowledge that will help them better understand and meet the needs of their customers.

Frequently asked questions

When should qualitative research be done?

Qualitative research should be performed during the design and production or modification phases of a product or service.

What are the benefits of in-depth research?

Qualitative research helps identify quality problems early, which means lower costs and easier quality management.

What qualitative research methods are used?

Qualitative research methods depend on the product and situation, but include audits, laboratory tests, surveys and data logging.

Who can perform qualitative research?

Quality testing can be performed by quality professionals, such as quality engineers or quality auditors.

What are the requirements for qualitative research?

Quality testing requirements depend on the specific product or situation, but may include required quality, required testing frequencies and testing procedures.