FMCG Research

Mapa Polski

What is FMCG research?

FMCG market research is a process that allows for a better understanding of customer needs for fast moving consumer goods. FMCG (from Fast Moving Consumer Goods) is the name given to goods purchased to meet basic needs. This mainly includes food, beverages, cosmetics, cleaning products, alcohol and tobacco products, cleaning products, over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements.

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Application of FMCG research

FMCG market research undoubtedly makes it easier for new companies to enter the market. A sales or customer service department should be willing to conduct or commission such a survey. The first and most important thing is to find out the detailed opinion of customers on a given topic. Not only is the opinion of the product’s design important, but also the cost to customers. If a company has already launched its product, market research can be used to find out what has worked so far and what needs to be changed. They also provide information about products that have not yet hit the market and which are worth investing in, and how proper production and distribution should be carried out. In the case of the FMCG market, companies offering products in the aforementioned business sector must constantly adapt their product list to customer preferences. To do this, companies must use the right tools. These include ongoing market research. Usually these research projects use qualitative methods and techniques. Especially if we want to know as much as possible about the customer and the product. These include methods such as IDI (individual in-depth interviews), FGI (focus group interviews), Mystery shopping/shopper. They are expensive and quite lengthy, but give valuable results. However, it is also worthwhile to use a quantitative research method so that the results are translated to all current and potential customers. Here you can choose between CAPI (traditional computer surveys), CATI (telephone surveys) and CAWI (online surveys). The results of the FMCG sector research project are used to formulate, monitor and implement the company’s operations strategy. Through the survey, it is also possible to create and test the effectiveness of the marketing tools used to conduct the survey. The information must be fully reliable so that company managers are not misled when making key decisions. Fieldstat research agency has many years of experience in conducting the above-mentioned types of surveys, and the qualified team is eager to take on new challenges.

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Fieldstat International offers a wide range of FMCG research project execution by qualitative and quantitative techniques and our skilled professionals will help you make better business decisions based on hard data from the empirical data acquired during the research execution. We provide insightful information on the market, competition, trends and future opportunities. Take advantage of our offer if you care about gaining reliable knowledge and strengthening your brand position.

FMCG market research in Poland

FMCG market research in Poland is frequently conducted to better understand consumer preferences, sales trends of FMCG products and the impact of brands on consumer choices. FMCG market research in Poland is currently one of the most significant areas of market research. Polish FMCG companies have huge business potential, which is why FMCG companies in Poland invest significant resources in market research. FMCG market research in Poland is aimed at better understanding consumer preferences, as well as learning which brands are the most popular on the Polish market. The research also includes an analysis of distribution channels for FMCG products, as well as a market study of FMCG products. Thanks to FMCG market research in Poland, companies can better understand consumer expectations, as well as how best to match their products to consumer preferences. FMCG market research in Poland is advanced and complex. The results of the research can help FMCG companies better understand the Polish FMCG market and allow them to better tailor their products to consumers’ needs. FMCG market research in Poland can also help companies better understand the potential of the Polish FMCG market, allowing them to better capitalize on this potential.

Contact Us by phone or email, in further steps we will guide you through the implementation process.
We will build a research methodology tailored to the project, implement the survey, and handle the analysis.
You will receive a comprehensive report on the survey that solves your methodological problem.

Take advantage of our services

Many years of research experience and hundreds of completed projects that allow us to guide our clients through the research process tailored to individual needs in a given industry
