Luxury goods research

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Luxury goods research is the process of exploring knowledge about goods and services that are considered luxury in a given social, cultural or economic context. This can include studying the market for luxury goods, their history, how they are produced, and how they are promoted and marketed.

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Application of luxury goods research

Luxury goods research can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Customizing product and service offerings: Companies involved in the production or sale of luxury goods can use market research to better tailor their products to consumer needs and preferences. Creating marketing strategies: Research can help companies understand how to effectively promote their luxury products and target ads to the right audiences. Evaluating advertising effectiveness: Companies can use research to assess whether their ads are effective in persuading consumers to purchase luxury goods. Developing new products: Companies can use research to understand what new luxury products might appeal to consumers and what their expectations are for such products. Research: Luxury goods research can also be used for scientific purposes, such as to develop economic or sociological theories about luxury consumption.

Methods of implementing luxury goods research

There are a variety of methods for implementing luxury goods surveys, depending on the objectives and research questions being asked. Surveys and polls: Surveys and polls are some of the most common research methods, which involve asking questions to respondents and getting answers from them. They can be conducted using a variety of tools, such as paper questionnaires, online surveys or telephone interviews. Interviews: Interviews are a method of interviewing people to gain information about their experiences, opinions and behavior. They can be conducted in person, over the phone or via instant messaging. Observation: Observation involves documenting behavior and phenomena in a natural research environment. This can include photographing or filming people’s behavior in stores or on the streets, as well as attending luxury events to gain first-hand experience of luxury consumption. Document analysis: Document analysis involves studying existing documents, such as advertisements, newspaper articles or financial reports, to gain information about luxury goods. Experiments: Experiments are a method of manipulating one or more variables to study their effects on a particular behavior or outcome. Experiments can be conducted in a laboratory or in a natural environment, but they require careful planning and control of the testing conditions.


Fieldstat offers comprehensive luxury goods surveys that are reliable and take into account all aspects of the research. The company uses a wide range of survey and interview tools, including group discussions and observations. Their professional luxury goods researchers can help you collect data, interpret results and draw conclusions. Fieldstat also offers support in preparing reports and presentations from the research results. If you need luxury goods research, enlist Fieldstat’s help to get the best results.

Who commissions surveys of luxury goods?

Surveys can be commissioned by a wide variety of entities, including: Companies involved in the production or sale of luxury goods: Such companies may commission research to better understand consumer needs and preferences, and to better tailor their products and marketing strategies to the market. Advertising agencies: Advertising agencies can commission research to better understand how to effectively advertise luxury products and the best channels to reach their respective target groups. Non-profit organizations: Non-profit organizations can commission research to better understand luxury consumption trends and their impact on society or the environment. Academic institutions: Academic institutions, such as universities or research institutes, can commission research on luxury goods for academic purposes, such as to develop economic or sociological theories. Governments and other public institutions: Governments and other public institutions can commission research to better understand luxury consumption trends and their impact on the economy and society.

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This is how you can work with us
Contact Us by phone or email, in further steps we will guide you through the implementation process.
We will build a research methodology tailored to the project, implement the survey, and handle the analysis.
You will receive a comprehensive report on the survey that solves your methodology problem.

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