Labor market research is the activity of collecting and analyzing data on the labor market, such as unemployment rates, wage levels, occupational structure of the population, people’s occupational preferences, etc. The purpose of labor market research is to understand the mechanisms that govern the labor market, as well as to identify the direction of development for specific industries and occupations. Labor market research is important for governments, private enterprises, employers and employees, as it allows them to better understand the labor market situation and take appropriate measures to improve the labor market situation.
Labor market research can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Facilitating career development decisions: Labor market surveys can help job seekers, or those looking to change their current employment, to understand the labor market situation and choose the right career direction. Improving employment policies: Labor market research can be used by governments to develop employment policies, such as training programs or financial assistance for the unemployed. Improving business efficiency: Employers can use labor market research to better understand the career preferences of their employees and tailor their job offers to meet their needs. Improving the quality of educational services: Labor market research can be used by universities to better tailor their educational programs to the needs of the labor market and ensure that their graduates are well prepared to enter the labor market. Improving people’s quality of life: Labor market research can help understand what people’s most important needs are and how they can be helped to meet those needs through work.