Research panel

Mapa Polski
badania CAWI

Professional service

Offer to conduct CAWI panel surveys through research panels located around the world. We have access to over 1million panelists in Poland and 81million worldwide. We profile respondents based on 800 variables such as gender, age, province, electronics, media, health, automotive and much deeper. Reliable and professional survey implementation even in 1 day.

Order a survey

Custom research panel

Our company has its own proprietary research panel and access to a consolidated form of 4,000 panels worldwide reaching 81 million active panelists. We complete surveys in as little as 24 hours providing you with empirical data or a report with transparent statistical charts. Our specialists are fully trained to provide you with the best possible results in a short period of time. When performing surveys, we offer full technical support to ensure precise and fast execution of even the most complex research project. Using state-of-the-art data collection techniques, we provide reliable results in an extremely short period of time. This allows our clients to obtain reliable data in a short period of time and use it to make strategic decisions. Our company is constantly evolving, introducing new technologies and tools to provide our clients with the best possible experience.

Liczebność na świecie

Panel CAWI jest wykorzystywany do ilościowych badań rynku za pomocą internetu, które umożliwia firmom monitorowanie tendencji rynkowych, opinii konsumentów i nastrojów społecznych. Panel CAWI jest szeroko stosowany na całym świecie, aby pomóc przedsiębiorcom w podejmowaniu strategicznych decyzji biznesowych w oparciu o twarde dane ilościowe.

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Demographic structure




Place of residence


























Miasto do 50 tys.


Miasto 50-250 tys.


Miasto powyżej 250 tys.

Application of CAWI panels

CAWI panel surveys have a wide range of applications. They can be used to survey respondents’ attitudes and opinions, as well as to monitor changes in those attitudes over time. These surveys are particularly useful in market research because they allow respondents to provide detailed information about their buying behavior. CAWI panel surveys are often used in customer satisfaction surveys to obtain detailed information about how customers rate particular products or services. They can also be used for interviews in response to questions about attitudes and opinions on selected topics. CAWI panel surveys are also often used to study purchase preferences. They provide a quicker and easier way to gather information on customers’ purchasing preferences. They can also be used to draw conclusions about potential trends and changes in purchasing behavior. CAWI surveys are extremely useful for businesses that want to better understand the needs and preferences of their customers. This tool allows you to conduct a survey quickly and easily. The implementation of CAWI panel surveys is fast and effective, and thanks to its simplicity, it is very accessible to respondents.

The path of cooperation

Contact Us by phone or email, in further steps we will guide you through the implementation process.
We will build a research methodology tailored to the project, implement the survey, and handle the analysis.
You will receive a comprehensive report on the survey that solves your methodological problem.

Studia przypadku CAWI

Measuring the quality of life of the middle class

Cooperation with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Project for the University of Silesia

Project for the University of Silesia

Community Supported Agriculture

Project for Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

badania CAWI

Narodowy Panel Badawczy NPB – is our proprietary platform that brings together clients as well as panelists in a user-friendly interface. Thanks to our tool, you can complete any research project 100% on your own. You are cordially invited to register and use our services. We will be happy to arrange a short talk with you to present our tool.



CATI versus CAWI

CATI and CAWI survey techniques are widely used in marketing research, sociology and other fields.

Frequently asked questions

How are implementation costs shaping up?

Implementation costs are shaped by three indicators not related to the profile of the panelists. An online survey can cost from a few hundred to tens of thousands of zlotys per set of questions, depending on the duration of the project. Hosting and licensing fees are often included in the specified value for CAWI surveys. This means that these fees are usually included in the price of conducting a CAWI survey and are not separately calculated as a separate expense. Proper evaluation of possible expenses is an important consideration when choosing the right type of survey for your project. Interview length / Penetration rate and number of surveys ordered. The implementation costs of CAWI surveys are as varied as the CAWI surveys themselves. Depending on the materials, the type of survey, the size of the respondent group, the complexity of the questions and the duration of the project, the expenses associated with CAWI surveys can vary significantly. In this case, the most common costs we will have to incur are such as the salary of the labor contractor, licensing fees, hosting fees, creating and adjusting question scales, survey development, creating language in response coding, costs of delivering content to respondents (both on the mobile and office side), question and answer verification and data validation. Non-salary costs can also vary significantly, depending on how complex the questions and survey design are.

What forms of control are available for CAWI surveys?

We use a number of features that enhance the quality of our online surveys. One of them is a unique IP number which causes that only unique respondents take part in our surveys. Another method is the use of "knock-out" questions which sift out dishonest panelists. We also measure the average length of the interview and respondents with questionably short time to complete the questionnaires are rejected. We are also supported by our CATI studio, which makes periodic calls to our panelists in order to update the data. Quality control in CAWI surveys involves the use of a number of tools and procedures to confirm that all data collected is reliable and relevant. The main areas of quality include reviewing and hypothesizing, planning and designing survey tools, conducting surveys, analyzing data and determining results. To ensure high quality CAWI surveys, it is recommended that multiple procedures be followed to ensure reliable results. Issues such as purpose,audience and questions and their ordering should be carefully thought through before starting the research. Language clarity, readability, accountability and convenience of use should be considered when designing survey tools. Once the survey is conducted, it should also be followed by appropriate methods to ensure reliable results.

Can I collect data on my server?

Yes, we offer a service called "sample only" it involves redirecting our panelists to the client's domain.

Can I collect personal information from panelists?

However, this involves additional costs and a legal obligation to inform panelists who will collect the data and for what purpose. It should be remembered that leaving the personal data of the panelists is voluntary and they are the decision makers on the issue of leaving them. The collection and processing of personal data requires the consent of the data subject. Such collection of information must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. According to the Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RODO), any business entity that collects personal data has the right to inform about it and the statue of the processed data. It is also necessary to ensure the protection of information security and its processing in accordance with applicable regulations. In Poland, the collection and processing of personal data is regulated by the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997, and the RODO, which replaced the Personal Data Protection Regulations of 2002. It regulates the collection, processing and sharing of personal data, as well as the management of that data - including its protection and the prevention of hacking and protection against loss.

What is the process of implementing a CAWI survey?

Initially, the researcher must define his objectives, define the survey group and determine the source of the data. The researcher should also determine what types of data are needed and what types of CAWI survey questions should be asked of the respondents. Then, the researcher should identify the appropriate respondents and send out the survey questionnaire. Data can be collected by monitoring the survey methods used (such as completing surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.), collecting all surveys and other communications, and conducting various analysis techniques. Once the data is collected, the researcher must subject the data to some form of analysis to draw conclusions. This may mean using various techniques, such as qualitative or quantitative statistical analysis, to compare and summarize the results. Finally, our researchers compile all the results and present them to draw conclusions that will form the basis for further research on the same or other topics. In summary, the process of collecting CAWI survey data is complicated, but it can also be very interesting and allows us to obtain the necessary information to develop new theories or research. The process involves defining research factors, collecting data and analysis, and then presenting conclusions.

In what form is the resulting data?

We provide survey results in the form of SPSS and XLSX files, which are standard data formats adapted for statistical data processing. With precise analytical tools in the form of the aforementioned files, you can quickly and accurately analyze CAWI survey data. Upon request, we can produce a report showing transparent statistical charts.

What software is used to analyze CAWI survey data?

SPSS Statistics software is used to analyze data from CAWI surveys. The license purchased by us is for life. SPSS Statistics software provides us with advanced data analysis. It allows us to analyze data, create statistics and data visualizations in a ell Noceń manner. SPSS Statistics program provides our company with convenient use of tools to make fast and accurate data analysis, and thus, easy creation of reports and statistical images. With SPSS Statistics we create and edit databases, create statistics and visualize information in the form of charts and tables. We can also predict trends and modify business processes based on data analysis. We use the legitimate SPSS Statistics program so we can easily research and use knowledge to influence business decisions and improve services.

How long does it take to collect the data?

Usually 1 to 5 days